
For alleviating hypertension diet

Hypertension is a lot of people are more often a chronic disease, the disease for our health is hurt, and the treatment of hypertension is also long, so we in the diet is also important to note that, so for us for alleviating hypertension diet which to have?

1 Hawthorn porridge

[ raw material ] Hawthorn 30 ~ 40 grams of rice 100 grams sugar 10 grams.

[ ] the first Hawthorn production into the casserole fry takes juice, skim, then add rice, sugar porridge.

[ usage ] in two meal between when the snack food, should not be fasting, with 7 ~10 days for a course.

[ ] function of spleen and stomach, eliminating indigestion, loose congestion. For hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hyperlipemia and dyspepsia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, infantile stagnation of milk and food need not wait.

2 peach porridge

[ raw material ] kernel 10 ~15 grams japonica 50 ~ 100 grams.

[ production ] first peach kernel pound mud, water and juice to slag, the same rice cook for the gruel.

[ usage ] daily 1, 5 ~7 days for a course.

[ function ] activating blood flow, expectorant and analgesic. For hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris.

[ taboo ] amount should not be too large; pregnant women and usually thin stool person should not take.

3 carrot porridge

[ ] the amount of raw materials of fresh carrot rice.

[ production ] will wash carrot and rice with chopped, into the pot, add appropriate amount of water, boil rice porridge thick can be opened.

[ usage ] morning and evening meals hot food. The porridge is sweet perishable, need to be cooked is to eat, not cook long.

[ function ] the spleen and stomach, gasification hysteresis, Mingmu, antihypertensive diuretic. Apply to hypertensive and dyspepsia, chronic dysentery, night blindness, malnutrition, rickets in children.

4 corn cake

[ raw material ] new corn flour 450 grams, 200 grams of brown sugar, 4 grams of edible alkali, ripe lardy 15 grams, 50 grams of fermentation.

[ make ] the baking powder and corn flour mixed with proper amount of water synthesis group after fermentation, fermentation and other raw materials after the rubbing evenly, and then use a damp cloth cover, Xing an hour. To rub repeatedly has experienced good dough, en bloc into the steamer paving, stir-steam 25 minutes. Appear slightly cool cut into blocks or diamond shape can be eaten.

[ function ] of appetizers, suitable for hypertension, hemoptysis.

5 sago porridge ( Kiwi )

[ raw material ] Simi 100 grams, kiwi fruit 200 grams, 100 grams of sugar.

[ production ] wash West for 30 minutes then, kiwi fruit peeling knife to cut into the size of beans Ding block; the fire boil into the sago, boiling water into the fire to other materials into the pot, boil slightly into the.

[ function ] tonification, antipyretic thirst, for hypertension, hepatitis and other diseases in the elderly.

6 lotus pool of peanut

[ raw material ] big lotus root 1 kilograms of peanuts, 200 to 300 grams of sugar, some.

[ ] the end of production in nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis incision pouring into the peanuts, filled with after be cut under the coupled with the at the incision site with thin bamboo sticks fixed, into the pot with cold water immersion, cook for 2 hours to Lotus pastry cooked, then squeezed juice 2 bowl, when eating with a knife cut into thick slices, 2 times a day is better, with sugar and food.

[ function ] invigorating spleen and moistening lung, hemostasis and resolving phlegm, hypertension, cardiovascular disease should eat.

If you have hypertension problem, then we in the diet should eat the food, so that we can better ensure our health.

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