
Hypertensive patients with initial inspection project which to have

Usually in hypertensive patients in the initial diagnosis requires a careful examination, but most patients do not know what to do, what is the use of examination item, from the medical point to will, the patient should know some specific diagnostic method. Aiming at this problem, the following details of some examinations, hoping to be helpful in patients with.

Hypertension screening requires measurements of weight, height, mainly is to look at the patient 's weight is normal, because of obesity, particularly central obesity hypertension is an important risk factors, as the saying goes, the belt is longer, the shorter the life.

Some hypertensive patients because blood pressure chronically elevated levels of lead to the fundus changes, so using an ophthalmoscope retinal lesion and hypertension screening project of. Retinal artery can reflect the change of hypertension in peripheral arteriolar lesions, peripheral arteriolar sclerosis heavily, cardiac load is heavy.

Hypertension screening to have a look have no cervical bruit, distended neck veins or thyroid enlargement, abdominal bruit and mass, peripheral arterial pulse, to the exclusion of secondary hypertension.

Blood pressure in patients with hypertension is the first examination required items. Blood pressure comparison checking on both sides, with the side of high value. If both sides of the difference of blood pressure greater than 20 mmHg, the lower side may be brachial artery above the great vessels especially the subclavian artery occurred narrow, narrow the most common cause is atherosclerosis, obstruction.

Of course in addition to the above several routine examination of hypertensive method and projects, there are many projects, such as blood and urine routine, need, in order to help in the treatment of hypertension, to as much as possible to do a good job in the early diagnosis of work

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