
Hypertension massage therapy

First, the whole body massage to relax, and then focus on point massage. Massage treatment from head to the body of the body to the head of the body from head to foot. Daily morning and evening before going to bed to rub your hands and breathe, after sitting in the heart and stool, with both hands thumb finger from left to right, from top to bottom by kneading, from light to heavy, clockwise and anticlockwise direction by 18 ~ 20 times. Massage direction: the sun - - - - Baihui Fengchi Yintang Neiguan, Shenmen, Ganshu Shenshu - - - - - "Mingmen Guan yuan shenjue - - - Zusanli Taichong yongquan. After the massage, waist hip lift lift, quiet, stand up before and after the 7 to take a 10 step.
Two, self massage meditation for 10 minutes, relax, in order: 1, Anrou, cuanzhu point every few minutes. 2, massage Baihui, Shuaigu every few minutes. 3, Anrou Fengchi, Tianzhu points a few minutes. 4, according to the bridge arch bridge for several minutes. 5, according to the number of minutes, Neiguan, quchi. 6, slowly stripping Jiangqi (i.e., deep breath in and out). Daily morning and evening, 1 times a day.

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The average age of hypertension was 35 years old

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