
In hypertensive patients, how to live a life of it safe?

As we know, life is not only a moderate physical activity, is also a kind of spiritual excitement, emotional feelings. When sexual intercourse, respiration, heart rate will accelerate, will accelerate the blood pressure rise. Research shows that, when sexual intercourse can rise in systolic blood pressure of 30-60 mm Hg; diastolic blood pressure can be increased by 20-40 mm hg. After the sexual intercourse, elevated blood pressure decreased gradually, returned to normal. As for hypertensive patients, because the usual basis of higher blood pressure, life pressure rise will be higher, can increase heart burden. Especially in elderly patients with coronary heart disease or heart failure, can cause angina, myocardial infarction or sudden death, stroke.

Since, in hypertensive patients with sex life is in danger, so, their " sex" is pronounced the death sentence? No, they can still enjoy the " sex", but to pay attention to skills. Generally, patients with mild hypertension, blood pressure is increased during sexual intercourse, but after having sexual intercourse, but soon returned to previous levels, thus caused heart, brain, kidney and other emergency the possibility of small, also can be like normal person 's sex life. Moderate hypertension patients, generally more stable blood pressure, accompanied by mild heart, brain, kidney and other complications, must in the drug under the protection of moderate sex life. Patients with severe hypertension, were headache, chest tightness, precordial discomfort, such as renal dysfunction complications, when sexual life may cause angina, cerebral vascular accident, so should be suspended for life, after drug treatment, to consult a physician if life can be resumed.

Not in violation of the above principles, life not more than the number (usually every 1 to 2 weeks 1 appropriate ), and sex life, not too excited mood, action should not be too severe, time should not last too long. Never in hunger, fatigue, after dinner, drink, tension when the marital. If during sexual intercourse, tightness in the chest, palpitation, chest pain, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath and other phenomena, should immediately stop sexual intercourse, must reluctantly to. Calm down, drink tea, and immediately take an antihypertensive drug. If not relieved, should be timely to the hospital for treatment, to avoid accidents. As in the time of life, the action suddenly stopped, consciousness or physically unable to move freely, often the performance of cerebral hemorrhage, shall immediately request the doctor to rescue, do not rush to move, the head elevation, the ice, not too shy to delay the disease, salvage machine will lose.

Moderate hypertensive patients, in blood pressure is not stable or rising trend, not intercourse. Hypertension complicated with coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease, the best in life 30 minutes before serving a vasodilator, preferably with a calcium antagonist, in order to avoid sexual excitement resulted in elevated blood pressure and accidents.

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