
Lonely persons predisposed to hypertension

American scientists to a new study indicates, the loneliness will make over 50 years of age in the elderly patients with hypertension at increased risk, this study therefore also proved to friends and family are good to people's health.

Study of the most lonely people 's blood pressure value more than the lonely person blood pressure numerical value 30. The researchers say, suggesting that loneliness with overweight and don't exercise on cardiac damage. University of Chicago scientist Lewis - Hauck is the leader of the study, he said " the link to a surprising degree. "

An earlier study indicated that about 11000000 of Americans over age 50 alone, abandoned or lack of companionship, so the national senior academy behavior research project leader Richard - Suzman thinks, if reduce loneliness can lower blood pressure, so the results of this research has great significance in public health.

Hauck says the findings remind people of hypertension treatment method is more involved in the social life, " to do volunteer work, make yourself useful ".

This study investigated the 229 in Chicago in 50 to 68 years between the sexes in the elderly, research results published in the March issue of " Journal of psychology and aging ".

This study builds on earlier by collaborators John - Cacioppo completed the research on. Cacioppo now young some middle-aged people, loneliness and cerebrovascular diseases have a relationship, can lead to the occurrence of hypertension.

Last year a study at the Harvard University think, human loneliness and elevated blood pressure are linked, and elevated blood pressure is heart disease. The Duke University study found and socially isolated patients with heart disease death rates were increased.

This study " in the daily life of the importance of social contact, " "said Cacioppo. Cacioppo is a professor of psychology, and Hauck together at the University of Chicago Center for cognitive and social neuroscience. He said, " a part of a healthy lifestyle is concerned about friends and family. " As they grow old, friends and family moved away, retirement, illness or death, Suzman said " so to enrich social relation ".

Study participants filled out a questionnaire consisting of 20 questions, on their loneliness degree judgement. A little more than half were considered at least moderate degree of loneliness, loneliness is light compared to people, they tend to have higher blood pressure.

15% of the respondents have a strong sense of isolation, and they are more clearly that the loneliness and hypertension on the association between sex. This part of the pressure more than the lonely man of high 10 to 30 numerical.

Instant put some conventional risk factors into consideration, such as weight, smoking and drinking, loneliness, hypertension remains and there is a very strong correlation.

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