
Hypertension is to eat out?

We are in daily intake of food, and everyone loves the food vary in color, aroma, taste, everyone has his hobby. Effects of long-term dietary preferences, also can cause different physical quality, especially some unscientific, unreasonable structure of food, often gradually caused the disease. As the saying goes: " disease enters by the mouth. " should not only refers to the poor diet, should also contain this meaning. Through repeated on hypertension census found, improper diet, also can cause hypertension. From our country people's diet structure, the effects of hypertension on the main factors are the following:

The effects of A salt intake

According to the national census results of hypertension prevalence rate of hypertension than in the south, the north. This should be related to salt intake in relation to different. The daily salt intake of 15 grams above, while southerners in the following 10 grams. China's Beijing and Guangzhou 2564 old men and women workers' and peasants' blood pressure and urinary sodium level comparison showed that night: the prevalence rate of hypertension and nocturnal urinary sodium is proportional to. According to the who study population, average daily sodium intake for each additional 1 grams, average systolic blood pressure of 2 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure was 1.7 mm hg.

High salt intake is how to affect blood pressure? The main component of salt is sodium chloride, which accounted for 60.36% of sodium chloride, 39.34% sodium ion in human body, water, electrolyte balance is an important part of. The general condition, human daily requirement minimum is 2 grams, is generally 3 - 4 grams. When excessive sodium intake, can make the excess water retention, the blood circulation is increased, and small arterial hypertonia and sodium induced vascular smooth muscle swelling, the thinner diameter, vascular resistance increased, leading to high blood pressure. In addition, the circulation of the blood volume increase, can aggravate the heart and kidney's burden, make blood pressure elevatory. This is the etiology of hypertension in the excessive sodium intake. " ".

Our union is to vigorously promote hypertension hypertension prevention activities, to vigorously promote the prevention and treatment of hypertension knowledge, and to our country population, restriction of salt intake, is a very important measure. The key is to let people realize this, abstain from eating salty food habits, especially in the vast rural areas of northern, needs this aspect knowledge publicity and education.

B high fat diet on blood pressure in rats

High fat diet refers to the excessive intake of fat and cholesterol of animal fat and visceral. The improvement of standard of living, entering into a affluent society. Especially the better conditions of social class, every fish continuously, leading to nearly thirty years in patients with hyperlipidemia in increasing. While hyperlipidemia atherosclerosis as the main conditions, and Arteriosclerosis Caused by blood pressure elevation. Plant oil containing unsaturated fatty acid, it can prevent the formation of atherosclerosis, and has a role in lowering blood pressure. Therefore, patients with hypertension should be edible vegetable oil, strictly control high fat diet.

C potassium intake and hypertension

Potassium ion in the human body and maintain water and electrolyte balance is the important material. On the physiological metabolism of the human body, can promote the sodium potassium excreted from the kidney, thus play a role in lowering blood pressure. Our country population intake of potassium deficiency, which is mainly caused by the cooking habits. Our crowd mostly like eating vegetables, originally vegetables contain a lot of potassium, the cooking habits are fried and boiled, the potassium is lost or destroyed with soup. Westerners to eat raw vegetables, so the potassium intake. Therefore, this should attract people's attention.

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