
Hypertension treatment of errors

A continuous treatment.

Hypertension is a chronic disease, long-term effective treatment to achieve the purpose of therapy -- Protection of target organs is a must. Sometimes the blood pressure by climate, emotional effects that occur repeatedly is not resistant performance, but to further adjust the medication. Some patients may appear to be resistant and low blood pressure status, so the discontinuous treatment.

Two hearsay.

Patients out of their illness care, and other patients on the exchange of be without rebuke, but cannot apply mechanically, because there are individual differences, suitable for other treatment options, and may not be suitable for you.

Three . To feel to estimate blood pressure level.

In hypertensive patients the severity of symptoms and blood pressure level is not necessarily proportional to, some patients blood pressure is very high, but no symptoms; instead, some patients blood pressure only mildly elevated, the symptoms are very obvious. Therefore, with a sense of self to estimate blood pressure level, is often wrong, also easy to delay the treatment. The correct approach is to periodically active blood pressure measurement, measuring at least two times a week.

Four. Relying solely on antihypertensive agents, neglect the role of medical therapy.

The etiology of hypertension treatment more, also need to take comprehensive measures, otherwise it is impossible to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. The correct approach is in addition to appropriate drug selection, but also pay attention to work and rest, diet should be less salt, appropriate to participate in cultural and sports activities, avoid emotional, to ensure adequate sleep, the obese should lose weight.

Five . To the drug or drug choice.

There are indeed many patients because of many reasons to use cheap drug, but a part of the blood pressure of the patients remained at a high level, did not reach ideal control state. Under such circumstances, these people still think the price expensive " good medicine " to control blood pressure can not only use, and thus missed the antihypertensive treatment of the effective time, so that the target organs appeared in the irreversible damage.

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