The first discovery of the hypertensive patient needs which examination to make?
Patients: examination found that high blood pressure, want to know to which examination to make?
Nanjing General Hospital of Fuzhou military command Lin Department of geriatrics:
If this is the first discovery of hypertension, the need for diagnostic assessment, its content includes: the determination of the blood pressure level and other cardiovascular risk factors; the judge the cause of hypertension, clearly has no secondary hypertension; the search for target organ damage and associated clinical conditions.
Auxiliary examination projects include : the basic project, recommendation and selection of the project. Basic projects include: blood biochemical ( k, fasting blood glucose, serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and uric acid, creatinine ); complete blood cell count, hemoglobin and hematocrit; analysis of urine ( urine protein, glucose and urinary sediment microscopy ); electrocardiogram. Recommended project includes: 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ( ABPM ), ultrasound heartbeat graph, carotid ultrasound, postprandial glucose ( when fasting blood glucose determination of≥ 6.1mmol ), homocysteine, urine albumin quantitative ( diabetic patients will check items ), the quantity of urinary protein ( used for routine examination of the urine protein positive ), fundus, chest radiographs, pulse wave velocity ( PWV ) and ankle brachial blood pressure index ( ABI ) etc.. Selected projects include: the suspected patients with secondary hypertension were selected, according to the need of plasma renin activity and urinary aldosterone, blood, blood and urinary cortisol, plasma free metanephrines ( MN ) and methoxy norepinephrine ( NMN ), blood and urine catecholamines, angiography, renal and adrenal ultrasonography, CT or MRI, sleep apnea monitoring. The hypertension patients, corresponding brain function, cardiac function and renal function tests.
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