
A proper amount of edible potherb can help lower blood pressure

Shepherd's purse and delicious taste, not only protein content in vegetable in superior, also contain rich vitamin B2, vitamin C, carotene, chlorophyll and other nutrients, with a diuretic, hemostatic, antipyretic, improving eyesight health, hypertension, retinal hemorrhage, bleeding gums, nephritis, dysentery, very suitable for patient with coronary heart disease. Spring to pick some mustard tender bine leaf or wintering bud, after Cheuk, cold soup, do stuffing, fried or boiled porridge. Portulaca oleracea L heat clearing and detoxicating, diuresis, detumescence powder blood and eliminating dampness, is rich in potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids contribute to lowering blood pressure and blood fat, cardiovascular protection, boiled water after fried, cold, do stuffing can.

Brasenia schreberi trailing in the water, heat and water, swelling detoxification, the leaf blade abaxially secretion of mucus is a polysaccharide mixture, anti-cancer, hypotensive effect. Fern of bacteria have a certain effect, has good detoxification, sterilization, anti-inflammatory effect. Bracken in some of the active compositions are useful in patients with hypertension, can use bracken Jianshui taking. Sophora japonica is rich in vitamins and minerals, has a heat-clearing and detoxifying, cooling blood and moistening lung, reducing blood pressure, stroke prevention effect, after picking can make soup, salad, cooking, steaming, or flower dumplings.

Vegetables are good, but for the cold, the weakness of the spleen and stomach should not eat too much, particularly photosensitive constitution should shensi. Potherb of purslane, amaranth, money, SJ, Ma Lan first easily cause photosensitivity reaction. In addition, for safety's sake, don't know not to collect wild; garbage, sewage, the road in the wild also try not to dig, the best to the open countryside or mountain digging, wild edible thoroughly before laundering.

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